Bibliometric analysis about Economics approach to Bitcoins




Currency, Digital Currency, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.


The objective of this article is to identify the main characteristics of scientific research regarding the approach economic about bitcoins. This study is based on bibliometric research and network analysis, with the use of descriptive statistics in 84 articles found on the Web of Science database.  The analysis used the programs VOSviewer and Excel. The main results show that Bouri, Bouoiyour, Dyhrberg and Selmi are the authors who published most articles and that the Université de Pau (France) and the University College Dublin (Ireland) are the institutions with most publications. The journal with most publications is Plos One, which presented a 3.057 impact factor. There are only three co-authoring networks with greater expressiveness, however, there are no links between them and the others. Despite the growing number of publications on the subject, the researchs is beginning, showing a wide field of exploration.


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Author Biographies

Carla Cristiane Sokulski, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Doutoranda em Engenharia de Produção na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa

Rafael Vignoli de Moura, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Graduando em Engenharia Química na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa

Gustavo Tadra Waldmann, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Graduando em Engenharia de Produção na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa

Antonio Carlos de Francisco, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Professor do departamento de Engenharia de Produção na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa

Gustavo Dambiski Gomes de Carvalho, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Doutorando em Engenharia de Produção na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Ponta Grossa


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How to Cite

Sokulski, C. C., Moura, R. V. de, Waldmann, G. T., Francisco, A. C. de, & Carvalho, G. D. G. de. (2019). Bibliometric analysis about Economics approach to Bitcoins. Exacta, 18(1), 37–52.