Development of constructs for 4IS framework operationalization
Organizational learning, 4Is framework, ConstructsAbstract
This research aimed to develop constructs for the operationalization of organizational learning processes and to allow their evaluation, based on the 4Is framework of Crossan, Lane and White (1999). To perform the research, a systematized selection of the literature was carried out, identifying the articles that operationalized the framework, making use of the bases Scopus and Web of Science. With the support of a bibliographic management software, EndNote, the texts of the articles that quoted the basic article of the 4Is framework were accessed one by one in their entirety. In this way, after analysis, 27 articles were identified to compose the bibliographic portfolio for the study. From the portfolio articles, the methods and procedures performed in the researches were identified, allowing the development of consolidated constructs from the set of articles that operationalized the framework, describing methods and ways to evaluate the organizational learning processes - intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing.
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