Efficiency of public security services in Brazil: data envelopment analysis
Efficiency analysis, Data envelopment analysis, Public security.Abstract
This study proposes an evaluation of the Brazilian public security through data envelopment analysis. Assuming the 27 states as the decision-making units, the total expenditures with security and the total police force of each state were used as inputs, and the ratio between the inhabitants / VILC (Violent Intentional Lethal Crimes), defined as a "security rate." The data were obtained from the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Safety, with information referring to the year 2016. The results indicated 6 states at the efficiency frontier: Santa Catarina, Piauí, Roraima, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Maranhão. Of the total, 33.33% of the states presented low efficiency, 25.93% of them moderate efficiency and 18.52% of them high efficiency. In a resource scarcity scenario, a scientific estimate of the inefficiencies and possibilities for reallocating these resources is extremely pertinent.
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