Prioritizing the categories of the incidents in a it sector utilizing the analytic network process
ITIL®, Multicriteria decision methods (MCDM), ANP, SuperDecisions, Compatibility.Abstract
The present article proposes a methodology of prioritizing the main incidents attended by the Information Technology (IT) department of a public university. To that end, the recommendations of Information Technology Infrastructure Library have been used (ITIL®), for identification and categorization of main incidents, and, afterwards, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method, throughout the software SuperDecisions, in order to determine a priority ranking in the assistance to such incidents, in different scenarios. Besides that, aiming to reduce the quantity of scenarios, compacting similar scenarios in only one, through the compatibility theory, the vectors of decision obtained to such scenarios have been evaluated. The results have suggested, to the IT department, different ways of acting, according to the generated rankings to each scenario, and one impossibility in the generalization among scenarios related to visitors.Downloads
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