Audit of occupational health and safety in an enterprise of the ceramic sector in the state of Amazonas/Brazil




Ergonomics, Audit of occupational health and safety, Regulatory norms, Ceramic sector, Amazonas.


This work aims to conduct an audit of occupational health and safety in an enterprise of the ceramic sector in the state of Amazonas. Regarding the approach to the problem, this study is characterized as quantitative and exploratory regarding the objectives. The research technique used was the case study in a ceramic sector company located in the state of Amazonas. Among the main results are the more in-depth analysis of the activities carried out within the enterprise, identifying the risk factors in the different sectors, identifying the most positive and negative standards, and thus being able to ascertain if they are in agreement with the which is established. The relevance of the study lies in the application of an instrument that makes it possible to identify the main risk factors related to occupational safety and health.



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Author Biographies

Thaís Mendes Repolho, Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Bachelor in production engineering from the Hard Sciences and Technology Institute (ICET/UFAM). It has as research lines the following topics: Production Management, Ergonomics, and Lean Manufacturing.

Moisés Andrade Coelho, Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Professor at the Hard Sciences and Technology Institute (ICET/UFAM). Member of the Incubator of the Hard Sciences and Technology Institute (ICETec); researcher of the Center for Research in Economics, Technology, Management and Innovation (NETGI). He holds a degree in business administration from the State University of Amazonas and a master's degree in production engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. It has as research lines the following themes: Indicators of Engineering, Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I); Ergonomics; Production Management, Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, Technological Innovation; and Innovation Management.


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How to Cite

Repolho, T. M., & Coelho, M. A. (2020). Audit of occupational health and safety in an enterprise of the ceramic sector in the state of Amazonas/Brazil. Exacta, 18(4), 820–841.