The Theory of Constraints applied in the public sector: a literature review
Bottlenecks, Theory of Constraints, Public, Management.Abstract
Considering the importance of the Theory of Restrictions for private organizations, the objective of this study is to carry out a survey in the literature to identify how the use of this tool also impacts public institutions. The method used consists of a Literature Systematic Review covering national and international research published on the subject between the years 2009 and 2019. The study contributes to the literature with the rescue of works that addressed the methodology in the specificities of the public service. From a practical point of view, it presents a diagnostic tool that has worked effectively in improving the operations of the institutions. Finally, the study is considered relevant for society, given the possibility of discoveries capable of bringing general social benefits as a mechanism of continuous improvement for the processes and strategies of public agencies, which in turn reflects in better service to society's wishes.
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