Development of an algorithm for capacity expansion on a network design problem under congestion effects
Operational Research. Network Design. Capacity Expansion. Congestion. Link Installation.Abstract
A field of Operational Research heavily studied is the network design problem. Some problems affect the networks directly, decreasing your quality of service, like congestion, which is the main problem approached in this paper. In this way, the objective is to develop an algorithm capable of dealing with network design problem under congestion effects. The mathematical formulation of the problem was elaborated, approaching capacity expansion, which expands the quantity of commodities sent on the expanded link and the installation of new links: then, the algorithm was developed. The tests conducted in this paper were based on Nugent instances, the results obtained were presented, and, for better understanding, the 15 nodes instance was graphically represented. Finally, the algorithm developed was capable of modifying the network according to the link capacity expansion, and, treat the congestion effect, improving the network quality of service.
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