Análise ergonômica dos níveis de iluminamento em salas de aulas de uma instituição de ensino superior do semiárido
Ergonomic aspects, School environment, Light comfortAbstract
The aim of this research was to analyze the lighting levels of classrooms at a university. A case study was carried out using a digital luximeter for data collection and the results were compared with the parameters of the standard of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT NBR ISO/CIE 8995-1:2013. In each classroom data collection was performed at 7 points in the 3 shifts, and to analyze data were considered aspects such as the area of the rooms, the collection shift and the allocation of the building. The results indicate that some areas of the classrooms, depending on the shift and the incidence of natural lighting, do not comply with the minimum values required by the standard, which can lead to losses in the performance of academic activities. Therefore, periodic maintenance is necessary in the classroom lighting systems so that they adapt to the standard's recommendations, thus meeting the ergonomic requirements.
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