The evolution of lean healthcare in healthcare services: a bibliometric study
lean manufacturing, bibliometrics, implementation, continuous improvement.Abstract
Lean healthcare is a methodology that promotes the elimination of waste in process flows, supporting the challenge of health care services in offering fast, low-cost and error-free treatments. In this framework, this article aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis about the implementation of lean healthcare, investigating the progress of scientific production, main authors, countries and journals. Therefore, 196 articles were extracted from three databases, which were submitted to a filter process, resulting in 20 articles used in bibliometrics. It was concluded that there is a growth in production in the last 5 years, which suggests validation of the effectiveness of the methodology. It was identified that most publications are theoretical and do not analyze the scenario after implementations, thus there is a research gap regarding the total life cycle of the implementation, which includes preparation, application, sustainability and maintenance.
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