Exploring the relationship between analytical orientation and supply chain resilience
the mediating role of anticipation and adaptation
supply chain resilience, analytical orientation, prevention, adaption, recoveryAbstract
The present study addresses the impact of analytical orientation on supply chains, a topic that has been relatively underexplored. The main objective of this work is to expand our understanding of how analytical orientation affects resilience in supply chains. To achieve this objective, a survey was conducted with 143 key professionals from manufacturing industries, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results highlighted the significance of the tested mechanisms in explaining the relationship between analytical orientation and resilience. Thus, the main theoretical contribution of this article is the identification of prevention and adaptation as mediators in the relationship between analytical orientation and supply chain resilience. Recognizing the importance of prevention and adaptation as mediators, managers can implement practical strategies to strengthen these aspects and enhance the resilience of their supply chains in the face of challenges. This approach reduces vulnerabilities, improves responsiveness, and maintains operational efficiency, thereby generating a competitive advantage in the market.
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