Methodological proposal for elaboration of a conceptual project for onshore pipelines
onshore pipeline, conceptual design, pipeline transportAbstract
In the oil and natural gas industry, the benefits offered by pipeline transport generate important gains for logistical operations, with time and cost reductions when compared to other transportation modes. This work aims to propose a methodology for the development of the conceptual design of a strip of onshore pipelines, capable of helping those responsible for decision-making. The methodology includes two main stages, the first one is responsible for gathering information related to the enterprise, the process data and the choice of the preliminary route. For this purpose, inappropriate areas are identified, to be avoided, such as, for example, environmental protection areas, areas with some type of reserve, or areas whose land use, established by the city's Master Plan, prevents the passage of oil pipelines. The second stage is responsible for classifying the areas based on technical standards and design criteria, where information is collected about the characteristics of the tubes to be used, and the energy demand capable of supplying the enterprise. It is also proposed the integrated use of a Geographic Information System as a tool to support the production process of maps and spatial analysis. The methodology is applied in the study of the interconnection between Porto do Açu and the Cabiúnas Terminal, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. As a result, three route options were identified for the conceptual design of the pipeline, which were compared with each other, from an economic and socio-environmental point of view.
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