A comparative study between hesitant Fuzzy TOPSIS methods in the context of supplier selection
Supplier selection, Multicriteria decision making methods, Hesitant Fuzzy TOPSISAbstract
One of the ways to deal with the supplier selection process is the use of multicriteria decision-making methods. Among these, the Hesitant Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) stands out for being an emerging method capable of supporting decision-making processes in situations of uncertainty and hesitancy. This study presents a comparison between two versions of this method applied in supplier selection and subsequent analysis of their characteristics, identifying advantages of use, differences and limitations. The application considered five alternatives, four criteria and two decision makers. The results show similarities between the supplier rankings produced by them and indicate that they are capable of supporting group decision problems, although they do not allow different weights to be assigned to the decision makers. The results of this study can be used to assist researchers and managers in choosing a decision method appropriate to their needs.Downloads
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