Micro and small business: competition in the end market or in the outsourced market?


  • José Luiz Contador Mestrado em administração - Centro Universitário Campo Limpo Paulista/UNIFACCAMP
  • José Celso Contador UNIP - Universidade Paulista -Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
  • Walter Cardoso Sátyro UNIP - Universidade Paulista - Prog. de Pós-graduação em Eng. de Produção




Outsourcing, Competitiveness, Internal capabilities, Micro and small company, Statistical analysis.


Few studies on outsourcing have focused on its effects on the development of the hired firm, usually a small company. This limitation has motivated the authors of this article to develop the present study based on a sample of small companies in the clothing sector to compare the benefits and requirements between acting in the final market or in the outsourced market (such as subcontractors). The benefits considered are the effect that growth in these two markets has on the competitiveness and on the productivity of the company, while the requirements considered are the technical capacity and entrepreneurial capacity of the company needed to grow in those markets. We adopted the empirical research method based on statistical analysis. The results showed that the end market has a stronger effect on the firm's competitiveness and provides higher productivity. They also showed that competition in this market calls for a better performance in both types of internal capabilities.


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Author Biography

José Celso Contador, UNIP - Universidade Paulista -Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Engenheiro (USP, 1964), Professor Doutor (USP, 1973), Professor Livre-docente (UNESP, 1993), professor aposentado da UNESP e atualmente Professor Titular do Mestrado em Administração da UNIP. É consultor de empresas, pesquisador em estratégia e autor de artigos científicos e dos livros Campos e armas da competição (2008) e Modelo para aumentar a competitividade industrial (1996) e coordenador de Gestão de Operações (1997).



How to Cite

Contador, J. L., Contador, J. C., & Sátyro, W. C. (2018). Micro and small business: competition in the end market or in the outsourced market?. Exacta, 16(4), 165–181. https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v16n4.8173

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