The main grounds of the MPH indicator - Movements per Hour. an analysis by the santa catarina state ports




Ports, Performance, MPH


This paper aims to identify the main fundamentals that influence the measurement of performance indicator of movements per hour (MPH) of container with load. Maritime transport is the main mode used by the intense international trade, being the port an important strategic link of the international logistics. The Santa Catarina ports are present in a significant way in the Brazilian scenario in container handling, in this way this article contemplates a theoretical research and legitimized by means of a practical research in the application of a mixed questionnaire with the managers of five ports of Santa Catarina, in order to identify the main foundations of the MPH performance indicator. It was evidenced that the theoretical studies about the MPH indicator are confirmed in the practical research with the port managers, corroborating with the research, but initially so that in the future, uniform characteristics are adopted in the Brazilian and international port service.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. M. T., Luz, E. M., Neto, J. C. S., & Sosa, O. M. (2021). The main grounds of the MPH indicator - Movements per Hour. an analysis by the santa catarina state ports. Exacta, 19(1), 1–16.