The influence of political dimension on Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process




Political dimension, Sales and Operations Planning, Coalition formation, Control mechanisms, Power in organizations.


The purpose of this article was to identify and analyze the influence of the political dimension of the decision-making process in the context of Sales and Operations Planning (S & OP). Based on the theories of relational view and power in organizations, aspects such as the formation of coalitions and the use of control mechanisms were highlighted. A case study was conducted in two food companies whose data collection was based on semi-structured interviews, in loco observation and documentary analysis. The data were analyzed through content analysis with categories from the literature and the interviewees' perspectives. Despite the evidence of coalitions with different power relations and control mechanisms, the results show in both cases, business strategy as an element of support and legitimacy for the formation of these groups and the strong influence of interpersonal relations in access to strategic decision makers.


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Author Biography

Glauco Gomes, CEPEAD - UFMG

Master of sciences


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How to Cite

Gomes, G. (2020). The influence of political dimension on Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process. Exacta, 18(4), 908–929.