Sugar cane bagasse gasification: modeling, analysis and real system comparison


  • Alfredo José Alvim de Castro IPEN
  • Douglas Alves Cassiano IPEN
  • Newton Libanio Ferreira Centro Universitário da FEI



Aproveitamento de rejeitos industriais. Bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. Gaseificação. Modelagem e simulação de processos. Obtenção de hidrogênio.


The computational modeling of a biomass gasification (sugar cane bagasse) to obtain a hydrogen rich gaseous mixture was performed with the aid of Aspen Plus® software. The model presented an average of 74,4% of accuracy – this value is satisfactory, considering the system complexity, in comparison with real system behavior. Knowing the model accuracy, simulations were effected for analysis of the gasification system sensitivity, considering two different flow values of biomass, steam and air in the equipments, to search optimized operational conditions. According to the results, it is observed a maximum of 9% in volume of H2, obtained for gaseous products in dry basis, inferring range parameters of operational conditions recommended for gasification of the system.


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How to Cite

Castro, A. J. A. de, Cassiano, D. A., & Ferreira, N. L. (2009). Sugar cane bagasse gasification: modeling, analysis and real system comparison. Exacta, 7(1), 39–48.
  • Abstract 280
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 671

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