Developing Organisational Capabilities through Customer-Led Systems Integration Projects: The Case of the Major Project BT 21st Century Network in the UK
Customer-Led Systems Integration Projects, Major Projects, Organisational Capabilities, Project Performance, BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN)Resumo
Traditional approaches to systems integration in major projects take the strategy of selecting a supplier-led prime/systems integrator. Although this strategy pushes a significant amount of risk to the supplier, project performance may suffer due to lower engagement of the customer in the anticipation of potential issues involving a major project. Thus, this research investigates the implications of the customer, as opposed to a selected external supplier, assuming the role of systems/prime integrator. A case study approach is conducted on the major project BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN) to demonstrate that customer-led systems integration projects may provide more balance in the relationship and distribution of risks between supplier and customer, having a positive impact on project performance and on accelerating the development of BT’s organisational capabilities.
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