Developing Organisational Capabilities through Customer-Led Systems Integration Projects: The Case of the Major Project BT 21st Century Network in the UK


  • Carlos Eduardo Yamasaki Sato Univesity of Sussex



Customer-Led Systems Integration Projects, Major Projects, Organisational Capabilities, Project Performance, BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN)


Traditional approaches to systems integration in major projects take the strategy of selecting a supplier-led prime/systems integrator. Although this strategy pushes a significant amount of risk to the supplier, project performance may suffer due to lower engagement of the customer in the anticipation of potential issues involving a major project.  Thus, this research investigates the implications of the customer, as opposed to a selected external supplier, assuming the role of systems/prime integrator. A case study approach is conducted on the major project BT 21st Century Network (BT21CN) to demonstrate that customer-led systems integration projects may provide more balance in the relationship and distribution of risks between supplier and customer, having a positive impact on project performance and on accelerating the development of BT’s organisational capabilities.

Biografia do Autor

Carlos Eduardo Yamasaki Sato, Univesity of Sussex

School of Business, Management and Economics
Science Policy Research Unit


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Como Citar

Yamasaki Sato, C. E. (2017). Developing Organisational Capabilities through Customer-Led Systems Integration Projects: The Case of the Major Project BT 21st Century Network in the UK. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 8(2), 36–57.



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