Projetos de implementação de erp cloud: pontos focais na gestão de negócios do setor de alimentos e bebidas brasileiro
Gestão de Projetos, Gestão em alimentos e bebidas, Hospitalidade, ERP cloud, Tecnologia da InformaçãoAbstract
The food and beverage industry is formed by companies that focus on the processing, treatment, preparation and packaging of beverages and food products. Due to the operational characteristics of the sector, it is evident that there is a tendency to adopt ERPs based on cloud technology. The main objective of the study is to identify and describe the main dimensions of analysis (focal points) and the respective impacts to the food and beverage sector on the implementation of a project of a cloud ERP in the Brazilian scenario. To fulfill this objective, a survey was developed based on three main hypotheses related to the constructs costs, negotiation with suppliers and quality of service contracted by the industries that use ERP cloud technology. It was observed that the three established hypotheses were denied. Based on the data presented in the topic of discussion of the data obtained it can be observed that the critical success factors in the implementation of ERP cloud raised in the literature are also recognized in the empirical research, which denotes its importance for vertical food and beverages . It is concluded that the rejection of the hypotheses based on the specific theory about cloud ERP reflects the no proximity of market professionals with the implementation and use of this technology in the Brazilian business scenario, particularly in the food and beverage sector.References
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