Satisfaction of Managers Lead to Maturity in Project Management? A Case Study in Serpro
Project Management Software, Organizational Maturity, Assessment of Information Systems, User SatisfactionAbstract
This article is an evaluation system of project management software in SERPRO - Serviço Federalde Processamento de Dados, based on the perception of 271 professionals working in eleven statesin the country, playing leading roles in software projects. The system of project managementsoftware of the SERPRO was evaluated from two dimensions: (a) the technological tool itself, and(b) organizational maturity in project management. For the evaluation tool, we used a construct of11 variables and an equal number of indicators. In assessing to evaluate the maturity, it was using adifferent construct with 7 variables and 21 related indicators. The intensity with which the subjectsmanifested on these two dimensions were measured on a Likert scale, ranging from 1 to 7. Theresults showed that both the computer system and the organizational maturity in projectmanagement were slightly higher than the average assessment of the scale, demonstrating that thereis room for improvement in those two dimensions. The stratification of the sample into two groups,the subjects most satisfied with the system and the subjects less satisfied, revealed that the firstassess the organizational maturity significantly more positive than the last. This difference wasconfirmed by the U proof of Mann-Whitney, leading to infer the possibility of some correlationbetween the individual's satisfaction with the tool and the potential contribution it can make toincrease the organizational maturity of the institution.References
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