Visualization of Information and Visual Methods as Strategic Tools to Project Management
Visual Methods. Information Visualization. Project management. Demands of the Project. Communication. Project Life Cycle.Abstract
Project management offers better results and competitive possibilities in organizations. Projects are usually fed by a vast amount of information that needs to be analyzed for problem solving. Maintaining proper and systematic management is not a simple task and is often a barrier. From this perspective, visual methods and a vision of information appear as strategic tools to mitigate the problems of project management. Through visual and informational methods, as information is discovered and made explicit, a team of coordination and volume of information are substantially treated. The objective of the study is to analyze the influence of visual methods and information visualization on project management factors: communication, demands (restrictions) and life cycle. Through a descriptive and quantitative research, a semi structured questionnaire with a likert-like scale was applied, composed of five variables: life cycle, project demands, communication, information visualization and visual methods. 386 questionnaires were applied to MBA students in Project Management, graduate students in Information Systems and professionals in the area. Were obtained 359 valid respondents and we verify that there is recognition of the importance of visual methods and information without project management.
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