Coproduction in Knowledge Intensive Business Services: Analysis of Projects in a Business Consultancy
Coproduction. Knowledge Intensive Business Services. Client Participation. Business Consulting. KIBS. Consulting Project.Abstract
The study aimed to verify the relationship between client and company in the process of coproduction of knowledge intensive services (KIBS), from the perspective of the service provider, involving the analysis of projects of a business consultancy. The qualitative approach was used, based on the case study of a business consultancy, involving the analysis of three projects executed by the company, through semi-structured interviews. The documentary research was also used with documents made available by the company. The Content Analysis was used in the analysis of the empirical evidences. It was concluded that the participation of the client is essential for the delivery of the service through the interaction between client and provider throughout the consulting project. The following responsibilities of the clients were verified: shared resolution of problems, personal dedication, openness to the communication, advocacy and tolerance. The level of customer participation was considered high by the service provider. The client participation management strategies used by the consultancy were related to training, education and socialization, problem management, customer selectivity and preventive actions. This study expands knowledge on the dynamics of the service sector, specifically on the coproduction relation between knowledge-intensive service providers and their clients.
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