IT Project Manager Competencies and Team Commitment: A New Scale Proposal
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Team Commitment. Organizational Commitment. Project Manager Competencies. Scale Development. Structural Equation Modeling.Resumen
Project managers are required to develop competencies that will help them to lead their teams in stressful, challenging and dynamic environments such as in many Information Technology (IT) project settings. Project managers should also develop team commitment in order to improve team performance. Therefore, this study addresses the question: Which IT project manager competencies influence team commitment? The main objective is to develop and validate a new instrument to measure project manager competencies and team commitment in IT projects. To accomplish this objective, we, firstly, did an exploratory and qualitative research. Then, we did a quantitative research in which we collected 484 responses. Besides providing a new scale, this research also presents pertinent implications to the practice of project management in IT settings. For instance, organizations can use the measuring instrument to evaluate project managers, to evaluate the work environment as well as to structure training programs for their employees.
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