The combination of variables that leads to a better relationship between fans and sponsors of football teams: a multi-method analysis
Sponsorship, Congruence, Brand equity, Coincidence analysis, Altruistic motivationAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to know how the factors involved in relationships with sponsors combine to constitute a positive feeling in relation to these brands. As a result of this work, we hope to contribute to theories in the field and propose an investigation from different methodological perspectives.
Methodology/approach: There were 1,174 responses to the survey. The phenomenon was observed using Coincidence Analysis and was validated by Logic Regression on the same set of data. Both methods can be tuned to correctly parse Boolean dependency structures with no redundancy and no peer dependence between causes and their results.
Originality/value: A proposed distinction was the research was conducted using methodologies that produce results in a different way than a traditional correlational methodological approach. The findings emphasized the significance of the discovered solution for establishing a relationship between fans and sponsoring brands.
Findings:The combination of congruence between the sponsor and the team with the intention to purchase from that brand indicated a positive relationship. Another discovery was emphasizing an involvement that suggests an altruistic relationship, alongside the brand equity factor and the perception of a strictly commercial relationship.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The solution pointed to a combination of factors to characterize the observed phenomenon. The result found contributes to the literature by highlighting alternative ways for the constitution of the fan's relationship with the sponsor by a fan.
Practical implications: Our findings emphasized the importance of the significance of an involvement that suggests an altruistic relationship as a competitive advantage for the sponsor/sponsored.
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