Tourist destinations digital communication: the adaptation of organizations to on-line dialogues




Destination marketing, Internet, Curitiba, NewcastleGateshead, Guadalajara.


Goal of the study: to analyze the impact of Information and Comunication Technologies on the destination marketing activities of destination management and marketing organizations (DMMOs) and how these organizations have adapted to the digital tourist communication.
Methodology/approach: qualitative case studies with three destinations and DMMOs from different countries, developed in two stages: semi-structured interviews based on bibliographic and document literature review; and analysis of DMMOs’ websites and social media using the tool Fanpage Karma.
Originality/relevance: the analysis of aspects of the organizations’ context and management that influence their responsivity to online dialogues.
Main results: the case studies presented the variety of characteristics among destinations and organizations. There is a historical, socioeconomic, and political local environment that influences destination promotion. In all cases the internet is seen positively for tourist destinations promotion, with different degrees of adaptation of the organizations to the use of different tools. Each management model presented different focuses and strengths of destination promotion.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: the qualitative analysis of the impact of the internet on the communication of DMMOs from three countries, through case studies developed with the use of software to analyze destinations’ social media, pointed out that there are, in tourist destinations’ digital communication, new central elements for the establishment of relationships between destinations and visitors, attributing greater importance to dynamic content that generates engagement than to subjective aspects of the destinations tourist brand.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Henrique Moscardi, Universidade Federal do Paraná – PPGTurismo/UFPR

Discente (bolsista Capes) do Programa de Pós-Graduação (Mestrado) em Turismo da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Foi bolsista Capes/MTur no Programa de Qualificação Internacional em Turismo e Hospitalidade no Reino Unido (Processo nº 88881.146344/2017-01) e da Agência UFPR Internacional em mobilidade acadêmica internacional na Universidade de Guadalajara (México).

Marcia Shizue Massukado Nakatani, Universidade Federal do Paraná – PPGTurismo/UFPR

Professora e Pesquisadora no Departamento de Turismo - UFPR, com atuação no PPGTurismo e no Curso de Graduação em Turismo. Doutora e Mestre em Administração (PPGADM/UFPR) e Bacharel em Turismo (UFPR).


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How to Cite

Moscardi, E. H., & Shizue Massukado Nakatani, M. (2022). Tourist destinations digital communication: the adaptation of organizations to on-line dialogues. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 11(3), 410–440.


