Brazilian cycle tourism scenario: publications, disclosures and itineraries




Tourism, Bicycle, Cycle trip


Objective of the study: Map cycle tourism itineraries in the Brazilian territory with identification of the characteristics of the cycle tourists who travel them.
Methodology/approach: For the theoretical reference, bibliometric research using the SciELO and CAFe databases and, for the mapping of Brazilian cycle tourism itineraries and identification of the characteristics of the cycle tourists who travel through them, several sites and semi-structured qualitative research with the application of an online questionnaire with 97 respondents (cyclists).
Originality/relevance: The gathering, in a single publication, of all the itineraries published/published by different organizations linked to cycle tourism in Brazil, which can help in the development of future studies.
Main results: There was a high discrepancy in the published itineraries between those responsible for tourism in the territory and Brazilian websites and blogs that ended up improving the development of the activity in view of its growth potential in several Brazilian federations. In addition, the routes are concentrated in the South and Southeast regions.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: Studies on cycle tourism are still little explored in the academic area, so this production can contribute to a greater appreciation of the subject and activity.
Social/management contributions: The survey showed signs of expansion of the activity, enabling further studies on the segment.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Monteiro Lobão de Deus, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Faculdade de Turismo e Hotelaria - FTH

Fátima Priscila Morela Edra, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Programa de Pós Graduação em Turismo - PPGTUR


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How to Cite

Monteiro Lobão de Deus, F., & Priscila Morela Edra, F. (2023). Brazilian cycle tourism scenario: publications, disclosures and itineraries. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 12(2), 192–225.


