Evaluation of self-esteem in pregnant adolescents of low income assisted by Nucleus of Support the Family Health


  • José Erickson Rodrigues
  • Millena Victor Nascimento
  • Almir Vieira Dibai Filho
  • Juliana Fonseca Pontes-Barros
  • Murillo Nunes de Magalhães
  • Cid André Fidelis de Paula Gomes
  • Ana Clara Rocha dos Santos




Pregnancy in adolescence, Health promotion, Community Health Services.


Introduction: In Brazil, adolescent pregnancy is presented as a problem, especially, social. Objective: To evaluate the self-esteem in pregnant adolescents of low income assisted by Nucleus of Support the Family Health. Methods: Participated in the study 120 female adolescents, divided into two groups (60 pregnant and 60 not pregnant). We collected personal and socioeconomic data. Pregnant women were also questioned about aspects of pregnancy. Moreover, the scale of Rosenberg was applied to evaluate the self-esteem of the subjects of the study. Results: It was observed that the self-esteem of both groups proved to be reduced, where the difference found between them was statistically significant. In addition, there was weak correlation of personal and socioeconomic data with the self-esteem of the subjects that made up the sample, neither a relation of the pregnancy aspects with the self-esteem of the pregnant in the study. Conclusion: It was revealed that pregnancy is established as a factor of negative influence on self-esteem of adolescents in this study.


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Author Biographies

José Erickson Rodrigues

Fisioterapeuta, Mestrando em Educação – UFAL, Docente do Cento Universitário Cesmac, Maceió, Alagoas

Millena Victor Nascimento

Fisioterapeuta, Pós-graduanda em UTI Neonatal e Pediátrica – FacRedentor, Integrante do NASF, Arapiraca, Alagoas

Almir Vieira Dibai Filho

Fisioterapeuta, Pós-graduando em Fisioterapia Geriátrica – UFSCar, São Carlos, São Paulo

Juliana Fonseca Pontes-Barros

Fisioterapeuta, Pós-graduanda em Fisioterapia Neurofuncional – Cesmac, Maceió, Alagoas

Murillo Nunes de Magalhães

Fisioterapeuta, Especialista em Fisioterapia Neurofuncional – FIR, Integrante do NASF, Arapiraca, Alagoas

Cid André Fidelis de Paula Gomes

Fisioterapeuta, Mestrando em Ciências da Reabilitação – UNINOVE, São Paulo, São Paulo

Ana Clara Rocha dos Santos

Psicóloga, Pós-graduanda em Saúde Pública – IBPEX, Integrante do NASF, Arapiraca, Alagoas



How to Cite

Rodrigues JE, Nascimento MV, Dibai Filho AV, Pontes-Barros JF, de Magalhães MN, Gomes CAF de P, et al. Evaluation of self-esteem in pregnant adolescents of low income assisted by Nucleus of Support the Family Health. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2010 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];9(3):395-401. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/2275



Applied Sciences
  • Abstract 283
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 181