Evaluation of the use of emergency contraception in different regions of São Paulo


  • Geisa Pereira dos Santos Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Jaqueline Rocha Borges dos Santos Universidade Nove de Julho




Contraception, postcoital, Health education, Orientation.


Introduction: Emergency contraception (or postcoital) is a contraception form that can be used by women after unprotected sexual relation. However, it is used in an uncontrolled way by females adolescents and adults. Objective: To identify the consumers of emergency contraception profile. Method: Pharmacists of 30 small, medium and large pharmacies in the north, east, west and center regions of São Paulo were interviewed. Three different brands of the drug levonorgestrel were considered as consumption, in descending order of price, respectively: A, B and C. Results: Eighty-seven percent of the pharmacists mentioned that the young women are the main users of this medicine. Demand for pharmaceutical guidance reached 73%, in contrast, the product was sold without prescription. Only 16% of pharmacists surveyed reported the occurrence of adverse reactions. Although brand B was the most traded (44%), there were differences in consumption by cost versus socio-economic profile in the regions studied. Conclusion: The study showed the need for educational programs about emergency contraception.


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Author Biographies

Geisa Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Nove de Julho

Farmacêutica formada pela UNINOVE.

Jaqueline Rocha Borges dos Santos, Universidade Nove de Julho

Farmacêutica, mestre em farmacologia e doutoranda em farmacologia, ministrando as seguintes disciplinas: Farmacologia, Farmacoterapia e Farmácia Clínica. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa em Farmacologia, na referida Instituição de Ensino Superior.



How to Cite

Santos GP dos, Santos JRB dos. Evaluation of the use of emergency contraception in different regions of São Paulo. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];10(2):387-94. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/2337



Literature reviews
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