Financial viability of a photovoltaic system:
the case of University Hospital at the UFSCar/Brazil
Renewable energy. PVsyst. Hospitals.Resumo
Considering the negative consequences of the excessive use of non-renewable energy and the development of technologies related to photovoltaic energy, the present paper aims to analyze if the photovoltaic systems are economically viable for university hospitals. A photovoltaic system was designed in the parking lot of the University Hospital of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and analyzed the financial viability of its installation. As a result, the photovoltaic system is financially viable, with an expected generation of 194.2 MWh in the first year and a payback of 7 years. Thus, this paper contributes to the feasibility of photovoltaic projects in university hospitals, reducing electric energy consumption, reducing its operational costs, reducing the emission of pollution, and diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix. Furthermore, the results can be used as a scientific basis for other fields, such as public and private hospitals and clinics.
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