A country-level multi-objective optimization model for a sustainable steel supply chain





sustainable supply chain design, multi-objective optimization, steel industry, genetic algorithms


Steel supply chains have been pushed to consider environmental and social aspects, other than financial, however, in the context of Operational Research, the few papers proposing mathematical formulations and algorithms tackle only few dimensions of the problem.  This study proposes a solution for sustainable steel production by formulating a multi-objective, multi-level, multi-modal, multi-product, and multi-period model and also devising an evolutionary algorithm for the problem. The results provide a Pareto front mapping the conflicting nature of economic, environmental and social objectives; show how changes in the production technology and transportation mode impact the objectives, and how locations with social vulnerability influence the decision of where and when to locate facilities. This paper provides a broad-ranging formulation and the results show its potential to help decision makers of the steel supply chain to make decisions considering not only economic factors.


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Biografia do Autor

Bárbara Lara Condé, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Master in Industrial Engineering and graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Condé received the Mário Rennó silver medal for achieving the second-highest overall average among graduates (2018). She was a fellow from the Young Talents for Science Program of CAPES at the Biomechanical Testing Laboratory of the UFMG Department of Metallurgy (2013-2014). Condé was intern and scholarship holder at the department's Metallography and Heat Treatment laboratory (2017-2018), UFMG. She has international experience as a CNPq Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Australia (2015).

João Flávio de Freitas Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, and doctor in Operations Research from UFMG. Prof. Almeida coordinates a project for logistics' development and innovation. (Funder: CPNq. Process 400881/2018-7). The project yielded software registered under the number BR512014000622-0. Prof. Almeida has projects developed with public agencies at the federal and state level, simulating the capacity of health systems, locating medical speciality centres and equipment. He has worked as a senior simulation engineer at Vale, production planning specialist at Usiminas, annual supply chain planning, consultant at Hewlett-Packard, Jabil Circuit, Ausenco. His research focuses on logistics, production planning, facility network design, operational research, mathematical modelling and discrete event simulation. He is a reviewer for indexed international journals.

Douglas Moura Miranda, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Prof. Miranda is a Control and Automation Engineer from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (2004) with master degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2011), doctorate in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG (2016) and the Warwick Business School (University of Warwick - England). Miranda's areas of interest include productivity, data analysis/data science, operational research, linear and non-linear optimization algorithms.

Samuel Vieira Conceição, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Full Professor at the Department of Production Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Post doctorate in Engineering at the University of Warwick-UK. Postdoctoral fellowship funded by CAPES, process BEX-2554 /14-3. Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering-France. He was professor of operational research and multi-criteria decision at ESSEC, Paris-France (1993-1995) and at ISAB, France (1990-1995). Prof. Conceição researches the areas of operational research, computational intelligence acting in information technology, planning and production control. He was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at UFMG (2002-2004) and head of the Department of Production Engineering at UFMG (2006-2008). He is currently head of the Production Engineering Department. He acts as a reviewer for indexed international journals. Member of several scientific entities such as Euroma, POMS, Informs. He has acted as a consultant for companies such as Honda Motors, Philips, Vale, Usiminas, ArcelorMittal, Hewlett-Packard, Jabil Circuit., and developed projects with public agencies at the federal and state level.


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Como Citar

Condé, B. L., Almeida, J. F. de F., Miranda, D. M., & Conceição, S. V. (2024). A country-level multi-objective optimization model for a sustainable steel supply chain. Exacta, e22996. https://doi.org/10.5585/2024.22996



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