Responsiveness in Exacta online publications
In 2021, the Exacta started online publishing with DOI of papers accepted in order to expedite publications for the scientific community. Thus, the papers accepted are published online after acceptance before the editorial process. Papers accepted are listed in a repository on the page entitled “Online publications”.
After online publication with DOI, the papers are sent to the editorial process. The papers remain in the repository “Publications online” until the edited papers are published.
Then, the edited papers are excluded from the “Publications online” repository to compose the volume and number according to the normal period of publication, which consists of the publication by volume (year): number 1 of (jan./mar.), Number 2 of (abr./jun.), number 3 of (jul./sep.), and number 4 of (oct./dec.).
It is noteworthy that even after the final publication in the respective volume (year) and number, the papers continue with open access in order to contribute to the scientific community.
Articles published online 2025: Access here
Articles published online 2024: Access here
Articles published online 2023: Access here
Articles published online 2022: Access here