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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribuition is original and unprecedented, and it has not been considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The article meets all the normative aspects described in "Author Guidelines".

Author Guidelines

1. The works submitted to the Editorial Board are assessed based on their scientific merit. • 2. For writing and presenting the text it is required its compliance with the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA). See an example on how to use the APA rules:

3. The articles should preferably be unrealed and they cannot be submitted simultaneously to the evaluation of any other journal. The articles should be related to the areas and braches of the Production Engineering domain, in accordance with Exacta EP scope and focus statement presented. Thus, in step 2, item “Metadados da Submissão/ Metadata Submission”, specifically, in “Indexação/ Indexing”, it is mandatory to indicate the area and branch which best represents the research content to be submitted. Note the importance of indicating at least one of the 10 (ten) areas of the Production Engineering domain, and, at least, one of the branches related to the selected area.

4. The Editorial Board can either accept or not the articles submitted to it and, eventually, suggest changes to the author(s) in order to fit the texts to the publishing;

5. The institute and/or any editorial body of this publishing is not held responsible for the opinions, ideas, and concepts stated in the texts due to the fact that, they, are the entire responsibility of their author(s);

6. All of the works are submitted to the evaluation of at least two reviewers, guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity both the author(s) and the reviewers;

7. The synopses of the reviews, in case of conditioned acceptance or decline, are forwarded to the author(s);

8. The articles must be sent exclusively to the electronic address []

9. The authors data should not be cited in the article body, but only on the system. Formatting Articles must be composed in accordance with the following guidelines.

Manual for authors - submission in five steps


  • Edited in Word (.DOC) or compatible program of editing; Times New Roman font, size 12, Left-hand alignment, no paragraph indentation, and spacing (between lines) 1,5;
  • The article should contain up to 8 thousand words including the references;
  • The articles should present title, abstract (within 100 and 150 words), and keywords (five maximum) in the text origin language. Articles written in other language than English, should also enclose title, abstract, and keywords. At the end, mandatorily, the reference list used in the text body;
  • Unities of measures must comprise with the International System of Unities (SI) pattern, outlined by the International Bureau of (BIPM) []; in exceptional cases, the adopted unit must be followed by the expressed SI reference, between parentheses;
  • Foreign words should be written in italic;
  • Neologisms or uncommon words, write between “quotes”;
  • Articles that require the publishing of graphs, charts, tables or any other kind of illustration should present the respective labels/legends, citing the whole source and its place in the text. The files should be sent separately and, whenever possible, in the original format of the creation program (CAD, CDR, EPS, JPG, TIF, XLS), and the images in high definition (300 dots per inches [DPI] minimum); to maps or micrographies, the scale marks have to be explicit.
  • Authors' data should not be cited in the body of the article, only in the system;
  • All authors should be inserted into the article metadata on the journal submission platform. All the fields of the profile must be filled in completely: name (without abbreviation), institution of bond (without acronym), country and summary of the biography (title, institution, area of activity, department); Enter the ORCID® Registration Number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). If you do not have it, register using the link: <>. Registration is free.
  • Authors' information must be filled in at the time of submission, since they can not be altered and / or included authors after submission of the article.
  • In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must be removed from the document properties (in the File > Properties menu), click the File tab on the main menu, next File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Inspect > choose to Remove everything in the dialog box, review the results in Document Inspector and save.
  • Include in references of eleteconic articles DOI in accessible format, that is with prefix



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