Vehicle routing problem with time windows: performance indicators for routing plans
Routing problems, Optimize, Logistics performance evaluation.Abstract
In the literature there are many methods to solve vehicle routing problems. Such methods seek to optimize a specific parameter, such as the total distance traveled or the computational processing time. However, it is observed that some methods present or emphasize the importance of seeking results in other parameters, such as the number of vehicles in the route plan. Thus, the present study aimed to use these indicators to compare route plans generated by three well-known algorithms. For that, firstly, it was necessary to look for in the evaluation of logistical performance which indicators could be used in this comparison for later carrying out tests in the instances used by Solomon (1987). Thus, 7 indicators were proposed that showed no correlation, that is, there was no evidence of a “trade on” or “trade off” relationship between the indicators. In addition, of the methods tested, the insertion generally presented the best performance according to the proposed indicators.
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