Big data technology applications in agriculture: a systematic literature review
Big Data, Agriculture, Industry 4.0.Abstract
Industry 4.0 is a terminology widely used today. Among the technologies that make up this new trend, there is Big Data, which is a broad set of data with a large number of variables, high number and high speed. The objective of this article was to carry out a systematic review of the literature regarding the current issues that address the use of Big Data in the context of Agriculture. The systematic literature review was able to verify how this sector analyzes and processes the large volume of data generated. Thus, there was a search for articles published on the Web of Science and Scopus in the intervals between 2016 and 2019, which contained as Big Data and agriculture. The material found was analyzed, compiled and presented in the form of a table with a short summary on what to approach the articles. As a result, it was observed that a large part of the studies refer to the use of analysis and machine learning techniques of data sets from Big Data, which propose solutions to problems arising from agriculture. In addition, this study serves as a reference on the Big Data techniques most used in agriculture aiming at increasing productivity and better decision making.
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