Evaluation of the result of small industry products considering the financial expenses arising from the duration of the financial cycle and the respective working capital need
Financial cycle, Working capital, Evaluation of product results.Abstract
The objective of the research was to propose an equation that allows measuring the result of the product considering the duration of the financial cycle and the respective working capital need in the context of a small cement artifact industry. Methodology with a qualitative approach, exploratory typology and the case study procedure was used. The main result of the study is the proposition of a methodology that makes it possible to consider, in the evaluation of the result from each product, the financial expenses arising from the working capital necessary to support the financial cycle of each item billed in the period. Therefore, this research theoretically contributes to the proposal to compute the financial expenses associated with the working capital necessary to finance the financial cycle of the products in the evaluation of the result of these segments. From a practical point of view, it contributes with a tool to be used by managers of small companies in the evaluation of the product mix and in the management of working capital.
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