Emergency industrial projects
a case study on the impacts generated in the management of scope, time and cost
project management, crisis management, emergency worksAbstract
Emergency industrial projects are subject to particularities that make their management difficult. These relate to a lack of accurate information, an environment of pressure on deadlines and imminent danger. This article aims to analyze the influence of execution conditions of these projects in the management of scope, time and cost. For this, a qualitative case study was done in a project of a mining sector company, affected by the collapse of a dam. As a result, it was possible to observe relevant impacts on the adopted strategy, considering the change in the project's life cycle and its consequences such as rework, low-cost precision and constantly high efforts. The relaxation of scope and cost restrictions was also observed, which are no longer the focus of management due to deadlines. In addition, it was verified the interactive definition of the scope throughout the execution, unstable deadlines and reduction of bureaucracy.
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