Development of a software application for structural analysis of spatial lattices using the displacement method


  • Amilton Rodrigues Silva UFSJ-Universidade Federal de São João del Rei
  • Fabiana Paula Drumond UFSJ-Universidade Federal de São João del Rei



Bar element. Displacement method. Lattices. Stiffness matrix.


Structural analysis consists of determining the forces and displacements generated by elements acting on the structure. Manual methods of structural analysis generally are excessively time-consuming, making them unsuitable for most practical problems and calling for the use of computational methods. This paper describes the development of a software application for the analysis of forces and displacements of plane or spatial lattices formed by bar elements. In order to improve the interaction between the user and the program, a graphical interface was developed to optimize data entry and allow the altering or expansion of a previously-analyzed lattice with greater ease and control. The computational implementation used the displacement method to determine forces and displacements due to external loads acting on the lattice. Commercial software SAP2000v15 is used to compare results.


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Author Biographies

Amilton Rodrigues Silva, UFSJ-Universidade Federal de São João del Rei

Graduação em engenharia civil pela UFV e mestrado e doutorado em estruturas pela UFOP. Professor de estruturas do curso de eng. civil da UFSJ.

Fabiana Paula Drumond, UFSJ-Universidade Federal de São João del Rei

Bolsista de iniciação científica. Graduanda em Engenharia Civil da UFSJ - Campus Alto Paraopeba, CAP



How to Cite

Silva, A. R., & Drumond, F. P. (2012). Development of a software application for structural analysis of spatial lattices using the displacement method. Exacta, 10(3), 319–324.