Approaches of the use of middleware architecture in embedded robotic applications


  • Gustavo André Nunes Ferreira UNINOVE, São Paulo



Arquiteturas middleware. Sistemas embarcados. Sistemas robóticos.


Embedded systems, specially the robotic ones, present a multiplicity of devices in its structure which – often based on different technologies of hardware and software and connected by different network technologies and protocols –, results in a considerably heterogeneous and well distributed architecture. In order to improve the comprehension over the complexity inherent to the distributed systems the new concept of middleware emerged as a software integration layer. The main objective of this article is to expose, by means of a general view, the use of middleware architectures in embedded robotic applications, particularly that with devices of scarce availability of resources (memory, processing capacity and communication), such as microcontrollers and smart sensors, and to analyze different approaches for a convenient use of these architectures.


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Author Biography

Gustavo André Nunes Ferreira, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Doutorando em Engenharia Mecatrônica e Mestre em Engenharia – Poli-USP; Professor na graduação [Ciência da Computação] – Uninove.



How to Cite

Ferreira, G. A. N. (2008). Approaches of the use of middleware architecture in embedded robotic applications. Exacta, 4(1), 149–157.

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