The entrepreneurial process: connecting business model Canvas (BMC) to life cycle Canvas (LCC)


  • Alexandre Magno Silva Filho UFRN
  • Rafael Rodrigues da Silva UFRN
  • Dmitryev Cyreneu da Silva UFRN
  • Marcos Fernando Machado de Medeiros UFRN



Entrepreneurial process, Business Model Canvas, Life Cycle Canvas.


The entrepreneurial process involves from the conception of an idea to the implementation and management of the new business. Among the tools used in this process can be highlighted the Business Model Canvas (BMC), a framework of business model that contemplates the main areas that must be thought. This tool based on the philosophy of visual management is widely known and the literature indicates that its use demonstrates contributes to efficiency in the entrepreneurial process. Thus, this theoretical article proposes an association of the BMC with the management of projects through the Life Cycle Canvas (LCC). The central idea is to show how these two tools can be associated, one in complementarity to the other, to promote better results for the business, since the implementation of the projects originated in BMC can be a critical success factor for the business. This association showed that here is complementarity between the two tools, leaving the BMC responsible for the initial phase of the entrepreneurial process, while the LCC attends the final phase of project management that leads to the success of the business.



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Author Biographies

Alexandre Magno Silva Filho, UFRN

Bacharel em administração pela UFRN, especialista em Marketing estratégico pela UNINTER e mestrando em administração pela UFRN.

6 anos de atuação como professor, com experiência no ensino técnico, superior e em pós graduação. Atualmente é professor do IFRN e da Facudadade FACEN.

Rafael Rodrigues da Silva, UFRN

Doutorando em Administração - PPGA/UFRN.

Dmitryev Cyreneu da Silva, UFRN

Mestrando em Administração - PPGA/UFRN

Marcos Fernando Machado de Medeiros, UFRN

Doutor em Administração - PPGA/UFRN

Professor do DEPAD/UFRN



How to Cite

Silva Filho, A. M., Silva, R. R. da, Silva, D. C. da, & Medeiros, M. F. M. de. (2018). The entrepreneurial process: connecting business model Canvas (BMC) to life cycle Canvas (LCC). Exacta, 16(4), 35–44.

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