Smart Sustainable Cities: Characterization and Impacts for Sustainable Development Goals


  • Alana Corsi Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Regina Pagani Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Tibério Bruno Rocha e Cruz Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Fabiane Florencio de Souza Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • João Luiz Kovaleski Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná



Smart Cities, Smart Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals.


Objective: This work brings light to the concept of Smart Sustainable Cities, creating a correlation between the terms Smart Cities and Sustainable Development, and maps out the technologies and projects implemented in this model of urban agglomeration.

Methodology: A content analysis was carried out using the Methodi Ordinatio, a systematic literature review multicriteria methodology.

Relevance: Smart Sustainable Cities arise with the aim of promoting technological development, but also facing the problems generated by cities. However, the concepts and structures of these cities are not clear, as well as which technologies are implemented and their impacts on cities.

Results: Smart Sustainable Cities generate benefits for the three sustainable axes, in greater proportion for the Social axis, followed by the Environmental axis, and with less impact for the Economic axis.

Contributions: This paper contributes to the academy by increasing the theoretical material, and to decision-makers, by highlighting the structures that make up the Smart Sustainable Cities.

Keywords: Smart Cities; Smart Sustainable Cities; Sustainable Development; Sustainable Development Goals.


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How to Cite

Corsi, A., Pagani, R., Rocha e Cruz, T. B., de Souza, F. F., & Kovaleski, J. L. (2022). Smart Sustainable Cities: Characterization and Impacts for Sustainable Development Goals. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 11(1), e20750.