Project Management Success: A Bibliometric Analisys
Project Management Success, Bibliometric Research, Bibexcel, Ucinet, Wordle.Resumo
The growing use of project management as a strategy for organizations to develop their intents is a tendency present in the last decades that gained power in the late 2000’s. However, this subject is not totally covered by scholarly research. This study aims to measure the recent scenario of the project management success field as a way to better understand this field of research. A bibliometric study was developed with a portfolio of 64 papers about “project management success” collected at the Web of Science (ISI) database, covering the evolution of this topic over the last five years (from 2000 to 2014). Articles were analyzed by journal, most cited keywords, citations, co-citations, journals’ impact factors and abstract analysis. Conclusions pointed out significant authors and journals, and also a significant cluster of papers written by Aaron Shenhar, as a relevant source of information to the project management success field. These information may be used by other authors to spur other studies about the project management success subject, not covered by this research
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