Agile Design: A Combined Model Based on Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies for Digital Games Projects
Game Development, Design Thinking, Agile Methodologies, Project Management.Resumo
Traditional approaches to project management seek to discipline the execution and to organize different activities to be performed in order to reach the project goals. However, that focus may not be suitable for the beginning of projects that require creativity, as in the case of digital games. This article aims to develop a project management model that covers the whole process of digital games development, by combining two approaches, Design Thinking and Agile Methodology. The proposed model was constructed based on the theoretical framework of both methodologies, and has three parts: the Design Thinking phase, the Connection phase and the SCRUM phase. In order to evaluate the pertinence of the model, a qualitative exploratory study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with game developers of the Brazilian market. It was observed that many aspects of Design Thinking are used in the game development, that agile development is fully diffused in this process, and that association of both methodologies, besides being possible, can contribute to the efficiency of this process. The main contribution of this work is the presentation of an integrated model of project management that fully attends the process of the digital games development.
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