Risk management in software development projects with scrum: case study
Software Project, Risk Management, Scrum, Agile Methods.Abstract
The software development projects are increasing the participation of agile methods, in special the framework Scrum, who is the most popular among them. As the other agile methods in general, the Scrum does not present a formal process for risk management. To identify how it is done, documents have been analyzed and interviews were conducted to professionals of four software development projects that use Scrum in a digital commerce company. After the analysis of the results, were identified that some of the risk management practices found on the literature are used on the context of the study. Between them, the most used were the existence of a risk answer plan, identification of risks at least among Sprint planning events and risk communication by the people involved on the project to the stakeholders. On the other hand, the risk mapping practices on the initial part of the project, risk prioritization and systematic and adequate methodology for risk management were not seen on the company that was studied. The practices were consolidated in a way to offer inputs to let other companies to analyze how the risk management is realized in their projects.
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