The value perceived by the customer in software project management using Framework Scrum




Agile project management, Value perceived, Customer, Scrum Framework, Agile, Product owner, software.


Quality and project success depend on the way in which the needs and expectations of the customer are captured. The main objective of this article focuses on the evaluation of how the value perceived by the customer is considered in the delivery of a project from the use of the agile Scrum framework. As a methodology, a case study was used from the analysis of a Brazilian company operating in the software area, located in the countryside of the state of Paraná, in Brazil. The information was collected based on a semi-structured interview, carried out in site, based on a research protocol containing 14 open questions, comparing the aforementioned interview with the scientific literature on the subject. The study carried out allowed us to understand practices performed by the company object of study that vary according to the literature, such as meeting the common principles of agile methodologies, and the efficient use of the pillars of the Scrum framework. On the other hand, some divergences were noticed with the customer service, regarding communication with the project requester, because in addition to the Product Owner (PO), others involved with the project can also, at any time, contact the customer. With this, the possibility arises of this attitude promoting noise in the communication between those involved, which can result in a project that does not rigorously meet the value perceived by the client who requested it.




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How to Cite

Carneiro, R. A., Martens, M. L., Mesquita Blas Garcia, V., & Gonzalez, E. D. R. S. (2022). The value perceived by the customer in software project management using Framework Scrum. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 13(3), 149–176.