The Impacts of Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Ethnicity on Project Managers in Brazil


  • Luiz Gustavo Mauro de Queiroz FGV-EBAPE
  • Marcos Lopez Rego FGV-EBAPE
  • Helio Arthur Irigaray FGV-EBAPE



Glass ceiling, Sexism, Project Managers


This paper aims to study how different psycho-demographic traits may influence the activities and career progression of project managers (PM). We carried out an empirical qualitative research with PMs in Brazil, taking into account the peculiarities of this culture. There were conducted interviews with project managers that  were transcribed and subjected to discourse analysis. We found out that the soft skills proved to be crucial abilities needed by this manager for his/her career progression, and that these professionals perceive their professional success by either the growing complexity of the projects leaded by him/her, or also by taking a more strategic and less operational career path. Besides it was possible to infer that the soft skills are influenced by the local culture. This research has also suggested the existence of glass doors and ceilings for ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities. These professionals seem to carry out their functions with a cost greater than the one required by their male, white and heterosexuals peers, as well as they need to prove resilient to such domination.

Author Biographies

Luiz Gustavo Mauro de Queiroz, FGV-EBAPE

Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela FGV-EBAPE. Engenheiro pela UFRJ

Marcos Lopez Rego, FGV-EBAPE

Professor da FGV-EBAPE. Doutor em Administração de Empresas pela PUC-Rio.

Helio Arthur Irigaray, FGV-EBAPE

Professor da FGV-EBAPE. Doutor em Administração de Empresas pela FGV-EAESP. Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela PUC-Rio e Bacharel em Economia pela University of Northern Iowa


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How to Cite

Mauro de Queiroz, L. G., Rego, M. L., & Irigaray, H. A. (2014). The Impacts of Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Ethnicity on Project Managers in Brazil. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 5(1), 01–14.