Management actions in corporate knowledge management in remote work




Management actions, Knowledge Management, Remote work


Organizational knowledge management is a crucial asset in the corporate market, particularly for companies specializing in information, products, and services. The effectiveness of this management is influenced by several factors, both internal and external. The shift to full-time remote work has presented challenges in maintaining discipline, organizing time, and sustaining interpersonal relationships. Team management has become more complex, leading to communication difficulties and hindered information exchange. This article identifies key factors that impact knowledge creation in remote environments, such as organizational culture, tools, intergenerational relationships, infrastructure, and individual motivation. It emphasizes the importance of managerial measures and proposes best practices to foster engaged teams, conducive environments, and effective knowledge management. By encouraging information sharing and adopting proactive approaches, organizations can achieve success in remote knowledge management initiatives.



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How to Cite

Oliveira, L. E. L., Larieira , C. L. C., & Togneri, R. M. (2023). Management actions in corporate knowledge management in remote work. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 11(2), e25067.



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