Hospitableness and Servicescape in hospitality in the context of retail in the city of Sao Paulo
Keywords, Hospitality, Hospitableness, Servicescape, Retail.Abstract
Objective of the study: To investigate the hospitable characteristics and servicescape present in the act of social host-client interaction promoted inside retail establishments, in the city of São Paulo.
Methodology/Approach: Methodologically, it is a quantitative research, with data collection instrument the survey technique, through a questionnaire developed in Google Forms. Data analysis was performed using the SMARTPLS 3 software, a model of the structural equation that explains the relationships between multiple variables, examining the equations capable of describing the relationships between the constructos servicescape, hospitableness, hospitality.
Originality/Relevance: The competitive challenges faced by hosts of commercial establishments in the search for better results made hospitality perceived as an aspect of differentiation of the product / service provided.
Main results: The results suggest that the perception of hospitality is statistically confirmed in all cases, especially hospitableness. They allow us to consider that there is a relationship between the characteristics of the physical environment and the hospitable ones in establishments such as accommodation, restaurants and retail stores in the City of São Paulo.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: This study adds to the emerging literature on hospitality practices in the retail sector, in particular, retail services.
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