The influence of perceived value on the construct "word of mouth" in fitness center




Word-of-mouth, Perceived value, Fitness centers


Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the relation of perceived value in the construct “word of mouth” in a fitness center.

Methodology/Approach: A survey was carried out with 123 respondents. The statistical technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), through which the conceptual model was tested.

Originality/Relevance: In a competitive market, it is important that customers are satisfied with the services provided by an enterprise while being loyal to it since word-of-mouth behavior can help the enterprise win new customers. Thus, understanding and measuring the dimensions of perceived value is essential in developing better market and customer relationship strategies.

Results: Results show the main variables of value perception (emotion, price, service, and image) positively influence the recommendation intention, highlighting the gym image/reputation dimension.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The analysis of the construct “word of mouth” proved to be of great value to the gym, as it can evaluate the perception of its customers and the intention of recommendation regarding the services provided, thus improving the quality of its strategies. Throughout the research, situations emerged that prompt future studies and show how much the customer perceived value influences the construct "word of mouth."


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Author Biographies

Stefani Tainá Natus, Feevale University

Graduated in Physical Education

Marcelo Curth, Feevale University

PhD in Business Administration

Luis Eurico Kerber, Feevale University

Master in Cultural Diversity

Manuela Albornoz Gonçalves, Feevale University

PhD in Business Administration


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How to Cite

Natus, S. T., Curth, M., Kerber, L. E., & Gonçalves, M. A. (2021). The influence of perceived value on the construct "word of mouth" in fitness center. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 10(2), 139–159.


