Consumption of collectible experiences in different tourist destinations




Consumption of collectible experiences, Different tourist destinations, Productivity orientation, Change-seeking, Materialism


Purpose: This research aims to analyze whether productivity orientation, change-seeking, and materialism influence the consumption of collectible experiences in different tourist destinations.
Design/methodology/approach: It was necessary to carry out a quantitative research, of a single cross-section, with a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. An online survey was adopted using the snowball technique to collect the data. The sample has 601 participants and the data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. An online survey was conducted over 7 days, starting on October 12, 2020, and concluding on October 18, 2020, to analyze and interpret the data collected from the survey.
Originality: The findings of this investigation show that individuals who collect tourist experiences are oriented towards productivity. That is, they are concerned with using time productively and doing as many activities as they can, like visiting as many tourist destinations as possible in the shortest possible time.
Findings: The results indicate that productivity orientation and change-seeking positively influence the consumption of collectible experiences in different tourist destinations. That shows that individuals want to visit new places and have different experiences while optimizing their time and changing their routine.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The productivity orientation positively influences change-seeking. In turn, it is emphasized that materialism does not have a positive influence on the consumption of the aforementioned experiences.



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Author Biographies

Maria Natalia Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE

M.Sc. in Hospitality and Tourism from Federal University of Pernambuco (PPHTur/UPFE), Graduated in Tourism Management from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (IFPE).

Marconi Freitas da Costa, Universidade de São Paulo – USP

PhD in Business Administration from University of Sao Paulo (FEA/USP); Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC/UFPE), Campus Caruaru; Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Administration (PROPAD/UFPE), Campus Recife. 


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How to Cite

Silva, M. N. F. da, & Costa, M. F. da. (2024). Consumption of collectible experiences in different tourist destinations. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 13(1), 29–56.


