
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A maximum of 5 (five) authors per article. All authors must be provided in the article’s metadata at the time of submission; the inclusion of authors after submission will not be allowed.
  • The authors consent for being responsible for the content of the manuscript sent to the journal, and authorization its publication.
  • Cada autor e/ou coautor poderá ter dois artigos em fluxo, entre o início da submissão, e a avaliação final
  • Conflicts of interest, Acknowledgments, and Funding Agency were properly reported in the submission,
  • The abstract is in structured format, in all three languages, with titles and keywords.
  • The manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or RTF file, and must not exceed 2MB in size.
  • In Microsoft Office documents, the author's identification must be removed from the document properties: starting from File in the main menu, and clicking the following sequence: File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document > Inspect > Document Properties and Personal Information > Remove All. After removing, close the pop-up window and save.
  • The submission is in accordance with all the items of the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Submission Policy

The Editorial Board’s decisions and actions are guided by the ethical principles that support scientific journals, and editors must stay updated with the latest editorial and scientific advances in the Ibero-American world. Submissions should be made exclusively through the RIAE journal's electronic submission system. Authors must submit the text for spelling, grammar, and formatting review before submitting it to the journal. All articles submitted to the journal undergo verification through iThenticate - see the Academic Integrity Policy. Operationally, based on the steps provided by the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, submitted articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board regarding their scientific merit and compliance with submission guidelines. At RIAE, we follow the standards outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA) and other editorial guidelines of the journal. The OJS records the submission date and tracks the steps of the article’s evaluation and editorial process, allowing authors to monitor the status of the editorial flow automatically through the system.

Manual - Submission in 4 Steps

Guidelines for Authors

Abstract in Structured Format


The first page, numbered as 1, should include the title, abstract, and keywords. Authors must provide a version of the title, abstract, and keywords in English and Spanish, and the abstract should not exceed 250 words with single spacing.

Composition of the Structured Abstract

Maximum of 250 words + title + keywords = in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

Title of the paper in all three languages (do not use uppercase letters).

Study objective (mandatory): Indicate the purpose of the work, i.e., what it aims to demonstrate or describe. Methodology/approach (mandatory): Indicate the scientific method used in conducting the study. In the case of theoretical essays, authors are encouraged to indicate the theoretical approach adopted.

Originality/Relevance (mandatory): Indicate the theoretical gap the study addresses, also presenting the academic relevance of the theme.

Main results (mandatory): Briefly indicate the main results achieved. Theoretical/Methodological contributions (mandatory): Indicate the main theoretical and/or methodological implications reached through the findings of the study. Social/Management contributions (optional): Indicate the main managerial and/or social implications achieved through the findings of the study. Keywords: Between three and five keywords that characterize the work. Submissions without abstracts in the requested format and in all three languages will be archived.


The body of the manuscript follows the abstract, with the heading “Introduction.”


  1. Pay attention to the language of the submission form; it must be in accordance with the language of your work.
  2. Manuscripts submitted to RIAE should be prepared following the style guidelines outlined in the Author Guidelines and submitted as a single Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx).
  3. This file must contain all components of the manuscript, including title, abstract, and keywords (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish), excluding any information that could identify the author.
  4. Authorship information should be entered directly in the submission form - Manual - 4-step Submission.
  5. Text body alignment: 1.5 line spacing.
  6. Font size: Times New Roman 12 pt.
  7. Page layout should be A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm).
  8. Maximum manuscript length: 35 pages, including references, tables, figures, and appendices: a. Manuscripts that are excessively long may be returned to the authors for revisions prior to possible evaluation.
  9. Footnotes and endnotes: should be avoided: a. Footnotes or endnotes should be used sparingly and, if possible, avoided. In any case, authors should not use footnotes for including references or for discussions or presentations of concepts. In such cases, we encourage authors to evaluate whether the text is relevant and should be included in the body of the manuscript or if it is marginal and should be eliminated.
  10. Figures and tables: must be editable and placed in the manuscript where referenced; Low-resolution images will not be accepted.
  11. Indentation: Paragraphs should have a left indent of 1.25 cm.
  12. Pagination: All pages must be sequentially numbered, starting with page 1.
  13. Illustrations: figures, tables, charts, and others:
  • must be editable and placed in the manuscript where referenced;
  • must be numbered sequentially;
  • must have a descriptive title at the top;
  • the source must be indicated at the bottom, even if it is from the author(s).

14. Foreign words should be written in italics, while neologisms or uncommon meanings should be written in quotation marks.

15. Measurement units must follow the standards of the International System (SI), established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) [].

16. References: a. At the end of the article, a list of references cited in the text body should be presented, formatted in APA style; b. Electronic articles should include the DOI in an accessible format, i.e., with the prefix - or the URL; c. The references should be organized alphabetically; d. 1.5 cm spacing; e. When referencing multiple works by the same author in the same year, use a, b, c, etc., after the year to differentiate them, including in text citations; f. Do not use < >; g. Use APA formatting for references, as per the American Psychological Association guidelines. The website offers several examples of references.

17. Titles and subtitles: a. The main section titles should be bold and aligned to the left without numbering (see APA style); b. Secondary titles should be aligned to the left and in bold, and tertiary titles should be aligned to the left and in italics, all without numbering (see APA style).

Aqui está a tradução para o inglês e espanhol:

Metadata Completion

The completion of metadata directly affects the citations of articles, authors, and the journal. Careful and attentive completion will provide robust and high-quality metadata, which will have a direct impact on indexing and citation, making them consistent.
Our team reviews the metadata before publication, but the responsibility lies with the authors. After publication and DOI deposit, indexing and citation will follow the information provided in the metadata.

When filling out the metadata during submission, please pay attention to the following items:

  1. All authors must be entered in the article metadata on the journal’s submission platform.
  2. Authors cannot be added after submission, regardless of the stage of the editorial process. If any inconsistency is found, the submission will be archived or rejected.
  3. All fields in the profile must be completed fully: full names of the authors (without abbreviations), complete institution name followed by the acronym, city, state, country, and a brief biography.
  4. Provide the ORCID® number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).
    a. If you do not have one, register through the link:
    b. Registration is free.
  5. Do not use capital letters in the author metadata, title of the article, abstract body, or keywords.
  6. Fill in the funding information in the appropriate field, if applicable.

Some forms of metadata completion that negatively impact the quality of articles post-publication:

  1. Abbreviated author names;
  2. Institutions listed only in abbreviated format;
  3. Missing ORCID;
  4. Titles with incorrect, missing letters, or in uppercase;
  5. Abstracts not reviewed for typos and language errors;
  6. References without formatting or using symbols like < >;
  7. Incorrect field completion, for example: name fields should contain only the name, not titles or honorifics like Mr., Dr., Ms.

Submissions with incomplete metadata will be archived.

Bibliographic Standard Adopted by RIAE
Citations and references must follow the American Psychological Association – APA style.

Aqui está a tradução para o inglês e espanhol:

Language and Declarations

RIAE is making efforts to become an internationalized journal with greater impact. These efforts aim primarily to increase the number of readers of the journal and, consequently, the impact of the published articles. In order to align with international standards, starting in 2021, the journal is implementing a bilingual publication policy. All articles will be published in English and Portuguese or Spanish. After the article is accepted based on its scientific merit, the authors will be responsible for providing the approved version of the text in the second language, accompanied by a translation certificate issued by a qualified professional, including the translator's identification details. The authors are also responsible for conducting grammatical/orthographic reviews of the language in which the article is written (Portuguese, English, or Spanish) and ensuring APA formatting compliance for the entire article by a qualified professional, who will prepare a Text Review Declaration (TRD).
Note: The translated article, translation certificate, and Text Review Declaration must be uploaded on the OJS platform as supplementary documents for submission. It is important to note that the information contained in the text is entirely the authors' responsibility, and full approval for publication will be conditional on the verification of translation and review of the work.

Aqui está a tradução para o inglês e espanhol:

Image Rights – Use of Images and Content from Other Authors and Sources
If the article contains images, photos, tables, media files, brands, logos, protocols, codes, social media comments, etc., that were not created by the authors and co-authors, it is mandatory to provide the following documentation and information upon submission: • Indicate with proper proof whether the material is in the public domain or licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0; • Document written and signed authorization and permission from the material's owner to use and publish the content under an open access license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0); • If the photo features a minor, the authorization must be provided by the legal guardian; • Images published in other media: books, conference proceedings, journals, either in print or electronic format, must also meet the above requirements.

The following will not be accepted for publication: • Images blurred to hide faces, brands, social media comments, etc., as this practice does not exempt us from potential infringements of non-licensed rights; • Purchased images cannot be published in our journals, as they are generally not open access; • Materials with licenses other than CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Before including an image or content in your article, reflect on the following points: • Was it created by me? • How will it add value to the content of the article I am submitting to the journal? • Without this content, would the article no longer contribute to the academic community? • Is the initial publication location in the public domain or clearly and transparently licensed? • Do I have the necessary proof to submit to the journal?

If the necessary authorization is not possible, we will request the removal or substitution of the content. Do not assume you have the right to use an image or content simply because you find it online, on search engines or social media, unless explicit usage rights are provided. It is the responsibility of the authors and co-authors to ensure they have the legal right to use the material before submitting it to the journal. The RIAE Journal team reserves the right and responsibility to remove any image, photo, table, media file, brand, screenshot, logo, protocol, code, or other content before or after publication if it is determined that the authors and co-authors have not satisfactorily proven the legal right of use within the public domain or under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

To assist in requesting permission from legal rights holders for content use, we provide a template for submission – click here.
Authors need to fill in detailed and clear information about the material they wish to reuse. Request that the rights holder fill in and sign at the indicated location. Feel free to use additional pages depending on the amount of content. You can edit the PDF – to convert it to Word, follow these steps:
a) Open Word and find the "Insert Object" option;
b) Click on "Text from File";
c) Select the PDF;
d) Click "OK" on the message.

It is important to check whether the authorization should be given by an author or institution. It is the responsibility of the authors and co-authors to conduct this research, but we are available to clarify any doubts that may arise.


Section intended for submissions of events supported by the RIAE. Authors must indicate the section at the time of submission - see the Author Guidelines.

All papers in this section follow the Journal's Guidelines and Policies.

Privacy Statement

Privacy and Free and Informed Consent Agreement

In compliance with Law No. 13,709/18 - General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), articles 5, subsection XII, art. 2, subsection IV, art. 4, subsection II, item b, the Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia (RIAE) transparently establishes its Privacy Policy with the PRIVACY AND FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT AGREEMENT, aiming to respect and inform about the use of personal data in the article publication process.

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be intentionally made available for other purposes or to third parties, except for indexing in databases and directories, in accordance with the Copyright Statement.

Regarding Consent - Processing

I authorize the Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia (RIAE), in its capacity as a processing agent, to handle my personal data in terms of: collecting, using, accessing, transmitting, anonymizing, processing, archiving, storing, and deleting.

Dados coletados pela Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia (RIAE) 

Form of address



Orcid iD

Middle name







Postal Address




Biography Summary

*Required to complete the registration.

Definitions for each type of treatment:

Collect: During registration, the author provides data that are collected, archived, and stored in the journal's database. We do not collect sensitive data. Registration is done voluntarily, and the password is personal and non-transferable.

Use: We use some of the collected data to insert into the formatted articles that will be published. This includes: full name, institution, email (if authorized by the authors), and title. Such data are evaluation criteria for journals, by CAPES/Qualis and indexers. Current indexers can be checked here.

Use of Email: Emails are sent regarding the editorial flow, review statements, published numbers and articles, special calls, guideline changes, and editors. The use of email in the published article is done with the author's permission.

Access: We access the data when editing/updating metadata before publishing to avoid conflicts in depositing the DOI, Orcid id, and Lattes Curriculum.

Transmit: To ensure digital preservation, the journal automatically transmits published issues to the LOCKSS System and Cariniana Network. It is also transmitted for indexing in repositories by the Open Archives Initiative – OAI.

Anonymize: To ensure blind evaluation, all articles sent for evaluation are checked for personal names in properties. If names are found, Word's tool is used to inspect the document and remove properties. The same procedure is adopted when the reviewer annotates the article, and it is necessary to send it to the authors.

Process: Submission data are processed in an XML file or sent by the system to Crossref to generate a DOI number, providing a persistent link for the article and its individualization.

Archive: Registration and submission data, both published and those rejected and archived, remain in the journal's database. In the former case, they are transmitted to LOCKSS and the Cariniana Network according to the Preservation Policy.

Store: Registration and submission data, both those published and those rejected and archived, and registrations that have been requested for deletion, are stored in the journal's database.

Delete: Registration data are not permanently deleted; they remain undefined, or access may be blocked, in the case of an author who committed plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism, as defined in the Plagiarism Policy. Submission data are not deleted to maintain the article's history and issue statements by authors and reviewers, in accordance with Article 16 of Law no. 13.709/18. Document properties of articles are deleted to maintain the integrity of blind peer review. At any time, users are free to request deletion from the Journal's database and thus no longer receive communications from it.

Evaluate: Submission data are evaluated for correct completion to avoid conflicts with DOI, Orcid id, Lattes Curriculum, and indexing. Every user can request an information update, as well as make them in the edit profile.

Data Holder Requests

Any and all requests from data holders can be made through the email:

  • Some possible requests include: email changes, name corrections due to misspelling, title, institution, city, country, among others.

 Journal Registration

Registration with the Journal is free, personal, and non-transferable. The Editorial Team is not authorized to register users, except for reviewers after accepting the sent invitation. In both cases, passwords are personal.

Sensitive Data and Data Collection

We affirm that data collection is based on good practices and good faith, and on the principles of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law), and we do not collect sensitive data.

Use of Images in Articles

To ensure the copyright of images featuring people, photographs, tables, and figures, the journal evaluates every image and source provided by the authors. Without proper authorization, it will not be published in the article.

User Consent - Readers, Authors, Reviewers

Given all the above, and being aware of the stages and consequences of personal data processing, authors agree with the use of their personal data for purposes explicitly stated in this PRIVACY AND FREE AND INFORMED CONSENT TERM, in a free, informed, and transparent manner.

It should also be clarified that this TERM may undergo changes, according to alterations in the LGPD, or forms of treatment by the Journal's controller, and if any changes occur, they will be widely disclosed.

Editorial Team, Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia (RIAE)

January, 8th 2024


SOUZA, Rosilene Paiva Marinho et al. Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e o Open Journal Systems: política de gestão de dados pessoais em revistas. Brasília: Ibict, 2021. Disponível em:

BRASIL. Lei nº 13.709, de 14 de agosto de 2018. Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD). Disponível em: