Innovation in Agribusiness:

live streaming strategies as a sales tool for agricultural products in China




Agricultural Products., Sustainability-Oriented Innovation, Social Media, Sustainable Consumption, Consumer Behavior


Objective: We analyzed which attributes impact Chinese consumers' satisfaction when purchasing agricultural products via streaming during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing innovative marketing strategies and their relevance in the pandemic context.

Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach, through a survey (n=257).

Originality: We bring up the importance of innovative approaches, such as streaming, to address the challenges faced by traditional agricultural suppliers and establish effective connections between supply and demand.

Main results: The credibility of the brand, characteristics of the streamers, elements related to the setting of the broadcast and the promotions promoted in the lives impact on the perception of satisfaction of Chinese consumers.

Theoretical contributions: This study contributes to the understanding of the phenomenon of using social media, especially streaming, to sell agricultural products. It

offers theoretical insights into the factors that influence the development of this sales method and emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy in the use of platforms for agricultural purchases.

Managerial contributions: The study finds that platforms such as TikTok and Kwai are effective for online sales of agricultural products. Valuable insights are provided for farmers and producers interested in using social media streaming as a direct sales channel. In Brazil, these strategies have potential applicability in the local market.


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Author Biographies

Wenjing Yang, College of Agriculture of the University of de São Paulo – ESALQ/USP. Shenzhen – People's Republic of China

MBA in Marketing.  Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture of the University of de São Paulo – ESALQ/USP. Shenzhen – People's Republic of China

Christian Gomes-e-Souza Munaier, University of São Paulo – FEA -USP / São Paulo (SP)

Ph.D. in Business Administration. School of Economics, Business and Accounting of the University of São Paulo – FEA/USP. São Paulo/SP


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How to Cite

Yang, W., & Munaier, C. G.- e-S. (2023). Innovation in Agribusiness:: live streaming strategies as a sales tool for agricultural products in China. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(2), e24834.
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